Clarin College Athenry

Guidance and Counselling

Clarin College's Guidance Counsellors, Margaret Hession and Christina Connolly are accredited member of the Institute of Guidance Counsellors. Both Guidance Counsellors work with students, as individuals and in class groups to provide educational, vocational and personal guidance.

Students and parents may request a meeting with the Guidance Counsellor by completing the referral form below:

Guidance referral.PNG

Counselling is available in Clarin College to students who request it for themselves or are referred by a member of staff or parent/guardian. Provision is made for meeting First-year students on an individual basis to see how they are dealing with the transition from Primary to Post Primary.


Counselling assists the student:

  1. To learn to accept, use and cope with information about the self and others.
  2. To develop skills and aptitudes which may contribute to achieving full potential.
  3. To promote recognition, understanding and acceptance of individual differences including cultural and intellectual diversity.
  4. To understand the dynamics of human behaviour


There are different types of referrals within the school system; self- referrals by students, counsellor initiated referrals, and referrals to counsellors by teachers, school management and parents. Where appropriate students/parents may be advised to attend external services or assist in doing so. When necessary and appropriate he Guidance Counsellor may be the recipient of referrals within the school by teachers, parents and school management. Assistance will be sought from other external qualified professionals for problems that the Guidance Counsellor is not sufficiently trained to deal with. When students are under 18 years of age such referrals occur after consultation with and permission from parents/guardians


Confidentiality of the student is very important. There are certain occasions however where this may be compromised:

  1. There is a clear and present danger to the student and /or others.
  2. It is necessary to consult with other professionals when it is in the best interests of the student/client to do so.
  3. The student/client verbally or in writing waives confidentiality.
  4. Compliance with laws designed to protect young people is an issue.

The Guidance Counsellors will work in congruence with the Code of Ethics of the Institute of Guidance Counsellors. Common sense and discretion must always prevail.

Consultation Policy

When required and requested assistance will be provided by the Guidance Counsellor to significant adults who are working with the student in need; Management, Parents, teachers, social care services, youth services, psychologists.

Counselling at Clarin College:

Personal counselling is available to every student whether self-referred by others or on an individual or group basis. Care and support will be given to students empowering them to cope with the many facets of their personal development in an atmosphere which encourages positive self-esteem

Guidance at Clarin College:

Every student is entitled to appropriate guidance in a self-directed and growth-enhancing environment. We will endeavour to help the student to develop and accept a full personal, social, educational and career awareness of his/her personal talents and abilities. In doing so our vision is to foster awareness among our students so that they each have the ability to choose their own path and grow in independence to make well-informed decisions about their lives. Classes are provided to groups in a variety of areas including:


Anxiety Information for Parents.PNG Anxiety Information for Students.PNG
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Relaxation Techniques.PNG
Feb 03
School Closed - St. Brigid's Day
Feb 17
School Closed - Mid Term Break
Feb 25
1st year Parent Teacher Meeting
Mar 05
2nd year Parent Teacher Meeting
Clarin College, Athenry, Co. Galway.
091 844 159
Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board
Exam Revision
© 2025 Clarin College Athenry