Open Night

Admission's Notice

Admissions Process
Recording of our Virtual Open Night - Wednesday 13 Oct 2021 at 8 pm
2022 Promotional Video
Open Night Video
Clarin College Virtual Tour
Admissions Policy

Clarin College - Application Form

Procedures for appeals in relation to refusal to admit a student to a school, where the decision to refuse admission is due to the school being oversubscribed, available here

Procedures for appeals in relation to refusal to admit a student to a school where the decision to refuse admission is due to a reason other than the school being oversubscribed, available here.

Review by Board of Management Request Form – Refused Admission (BOMR1)
Section 29 Appeal Application Form for an appeal against refusal to admit due to the school being oversubscribed
Link to Department of Education Information re. Appeals in relation to refusal to admit a student due to a school being oversubscribed